Friday, June 27, 2008


here i come..

wahaha... i'm finally here.. jz arrived at the airport around 1030 last nite.. the UMS is soooooooo huuuuuuuugeeeeeeeee.... i'm getting excited!! hehe... 2morrow is da pndfataran 4 da kolej kdiaman.. i got kolej kediaman E... i heard most of my buddies r in kolej E... yey!! i hope i'll end up having one of them as my roomate... can't wait 2 get in there n actually living in UMS.. hope it'll all turns out well 2morrow n da days after... wa.. i'm gonna b away from home.. no more ''Ma.. kakyong tertinggal henset kt umah.. bleh tolong anta ke sini?'' huhu... i gotta make sure nothing is tertinggal... or i'll be scolded 4 sure by my dad.. huhu...

1 comment:

darkshadows said...

bile ko nk update post..
gamba aku tgk update je..