Friday, June 27, 2008


here i come..

wahaha... i'm finally here.. jz arrived at the airport around 1030 last nite.. the UMS is soooooooo huuuuuuuugeeeeeeeee.... i'm getting excited!! hehe... 2morrow is da pndfataran 4 da kolej kdiaman.. i got kolej kediaman E... i heard most of my buddies r in kolej E... yey!! i hope i'll end up having one of them as my roomate... can't wait 2 get in there n actually living in UMS.. hope it'll all turns out well 2morrow n da days after... wa.. i'm gonna b away from home.. no more ''Ma.. kakyong tertinggal henset kt umah.. bleh tolong anta ke sini?'' huhu... i gotta make sure nothing is tertinggal... or i'll be scolded 4 sure by my dad.. huhu...

Friday, June 20, 2008

the land below the wind...

huh? land below da wind? kalo dimelayukan jadi ler negeri di bawah bayu.. hurmm... kn sedap negeri di bawah bayu lagi... oh-my-GOD! what? sabah? i'll b furtherting my study in universiti malaysia sabah.. industrial chemistry... huhu.. da 1st nite i found out i got sabah i cried my heart out... isk2.. it feels like... urm.. mcm kne hempap ngn batu.. sakitnyer jiwaku tyme tu.. xpnah2 kluar perak.. skali dapat..pergh!..sabah terus... padan muke aku gk tyme tu... dh dok gatai merenyam plih course 2.. huhu.. but then, da next day.. alhamdulillah.. i'm starting 2 finally grab da fact da path dat lies in front of me.. that is 2 go 2 sabah.. ''tu yang ALLAH tetapkn utk aku.. maybe 2 yg tbaik utk aku..'' tu je kate2 yg bleh aku ucapkn utk diri aku utk mngubat hati yg lara ini.. hehe...

''ya ALLAH, berilah aku kekuatan untuk menghadapi semua cabaranMu... teguhkanlah iman dan pendirianku agar ku tak tersasar jauh dari landasanMu ya ALLAH...''

Friday, June 13, 2008


huhu.. i'm curently reading da SAILORMOON.. huhu..
can't believe dat i cn get caught up in this manga.. yey!!
go sailormoon!!
the story really is sumthning.. sumhow.. it reminds me of noi..
she used 2 tell me stories bout sailormoon.. the warrior of justice.. haha.. sounds silly rite?
well,i'm gonna continue on reading now.. tata!!



Thursday, June 12, 2008

based on da kajian 25thn by dr fadzilah kamsah..


-sangat bersopan santun
-mudah bertolak ansur
-sangat cermat teliti dan teratur
-suka menegur kesilapan orang lain dan mengkritik
-pendiam tapi pandai bercakap
-sikapnya sangat cool
-sangat baik dan mudah simpati
-sangat prihatin dan berperinci
-amanah, setia dan jujur
-kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna
-sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui
-orangnya banyak berfikir tapi pendiam
-daya pentaakulan yang baik
-otak bijak dan mudah belajar
-suka mencari maklumat
-kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik
-pandai mendorong diri sendiri
-mudah memahami orang lain (daya firasat yang tinggi)
-simpan rahsia
-suka sukan, hiburan dan melancong
-kurang menunjukkan perasaannya
-terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan
-terlalu memilih pasangan
-sukakan benda yang luas
-kerja bersistematik

huhu.. bile baca bnde nih mst aku trase nk gelak... just imagine me being so systematic.. it sounded funny though.. all my life i've told 2 do a systematic work by my ayah.. and turns out dissapointing him by being so kelam-kabut n da 'last minute attitude'.. haha.. howeva.. its kinda true dat i enjoy being in wide spaces.. i never really lyke being in a crowd.. i'll be gasping for air n i hated the smell coming from all da different kind of perfumes n ciggaretes(terutamanya)...'terlalu memilih pasangan?' hurm.. thats probably why i never experienced a romantically-in-love kind of relationship.. i dunno.. its seems kinda wrong for me... its practically forbidden in ISLAM too.. since in ISLAM there's no such thing as coupling.. hurm.. maybe its not the time.. plus.. i hate being tied down to one person.. i prefer to mixed around wif all kinda ppl.. 'terluka hatinya kerana terlalu lama disimpan?' hurm.. i usually keeps my feelings 2 myself.. not all feelings.. just da 1 that really broke my heart.. for example when a friend talks bout me behind my back or when accidentally hearing sumbody cursing me or sumthing like dat.. i usually didint go n confront them.. like i usually did.. i dunno.. maybe i'm just afraid to b hurt even more.. 'kurang menunjukkan perasaaanya'.. hehe.. if u go asking my friends bout this.. they'll probably said that its 100% not true.. esp when i'm mad at a person i'll just go rambling.. n membebel bout it.. its pretty obvious u see.. suka hiburan n melancong? TOTALLY.. i love 2 travel... really.. its just a fresh feeling when seeing sumthning new.. simpan rahsia?.. eh? its like kalau aku xske org bocorkan rahsia aku then i wont go spreading other's secret.. mudah memahami(daya firasat yg tinggi).. huh? ye k..? i dunno bout daya firasat yg tinggi.. but,mudah memahami.. thats probably true i guess.. pandai mendorong diri sendiri.. not sure bout dis 1.. i can get easily depressed over some silly things like body image n stuff like that.. well, i think every girl experience dat one.. kawal diri dr terlalu mengkritik.. hurm.. i gotta work on dat 1.. my criticism cn b unbelieveable sumtimes.. n i tend 2 regret what i critic afterwards.. suka mencari maklumat.. hehe.. true i guess.. i think.. my ex-teachers in school always ends up answering my questions thats normally out of syllabus or unlogic stuff.. haha.. school year's da best eva.. otak bijak n mudah belajar.. alhamdulillah.. howeva.. i tend to b clumsy.. i'm a total clutz.. my maths teacher used 2 get all worked up bcoz of my clumsiness in calculation.. daya pentaakulan yg alhamdulillah.. mntak2 btol la nih.. orgnya byk berfikir ttp pndiam... byk berfikir? kalo btol alhamdulillah.. pndiam.. hurm.. depends on da time n place la.. i can b real loud sometimes.. well, myb most of da times.. hehe.. sgt sensitif yg tdk diketahui.. yup.. i'm sensitive.. i cn get hurt easily.. so handle wif care.=D kerja yang dilakukan sgt sempurna (only if the work interests me) .. well,i never really like melepaskan batuk di tangga.. esp when i'm expected to be delivering da best work by ppl round me.. amanah setia n jujur..sgt prihatin n beperinci..sgt cool.. cermat teliti n teratur.. sgt bersopan santun.. mudah bertolak ansur.. im kinda flattered.. =p hehe.. on normal days i gotta say.. i thnk i'm non of the above.. i usually left out da details.. not teliti.. clutz.. talk trash with my buddies (i cn nva get used 2 using ' saya, awak' n call sumbody 'abang' feels awkward..) pandai bercakap? myb yes.. n probably not.. hehe.. i think that'll b enough for this 1st blog..


assalamualaikum wht